Aug 10
Scripture Memory Meditation | 1 Peter 1:1-2
We are dependent on God’s undeserved favor to us and the peace that only Christ brings to us in this troubled world.
Christians on the Left and the Right use Scripture and prayer during presidential campaigns. So let's ask, "Lord, teach us to pray for our presidential candidates."
Keep ReadingTo cultivate the habitus required as a logical and reasonable response to God’s mercy (Rom 12:1-2), we must carefully consider our habits and we must root ourselves within the ecclesial habitat.
Keep ReadingTo help us grow in our theology and practice of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, I want to recommend St. Basil the Great's On the Holy Spirit.
Keep ReadingComer argues that discipleship, or apprenticeship to Jesus, involves three main goals: be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do as he did.
Keep ReadingLet’s encourage one another, and especially our visitors, by initiating a greeting and by listening well.
Keep ReadingLuke's Gospel provides insight into a truly Christian approach to gratitude.
Keep ReadingIn Christ’s death, we die to our old identity. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are free from any obligation, addiction, and necessity to sin because sin has no reign on us.
Keep ReadingInstead of abandoning us to eternal death and destruction, God, in His mercy and grace, devised a rescue plan for humanity. At precisely the right time, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to die for the ungodly.
Keep ReadingThe persecutions, losses, physical pains, and tragedies we face, help us to spiritually grow so we can better serve God and provide an empathetic sense of direction for others as we follow the path God has set before us.
Keep ReadingThis resurrection week, look not to fleeting joys but to be joined to the one who fully satisfies, whose perfect kingdom will have no end and be full of immeasurable riches of grace.
Keep ReadingAug 10
We are dependent on God’s undeserved favor to us and the peace that only Christ brings to us in this troubled world.
Jul 27
Because Jesus was faithful to the end, we can look to him and be confident that he is interceding for us now as we strive to walk in his example.
Salvation came at a cost. Remembering the story of Abraham and Isaac reminds us of that cost. We see that “God was willing to sacrifice for you what was most precious to Him.”
In pointing out Jesus’ deity Paul sets us up to place our full hope in Christ for reconciliation. For it will be through this God-man that all things in heaven and earth will one day be reconciled as a result of Christ’s finished work on the cross.
Jesus and the biblical authors did not avoid speaking about sin, but they also did not speak only about sin. They brought an appropriate emphasis into the contexts in which they spoke. Similarly, we should carefully consider which emphasis is required when we talk to children (or anyone) about sin and the love of God.
Jun 8
Central to our gospel hope is the reality of Jesus’s past resurrection and our future resurrection.
Jun 1
James writes in ancient Israel’s prophetic and wisdom traditions, bearing a remarkable resemblance to Jesus’s teachings. Although James addresses his letter to ethnic Jews, there are good reasons for every follower of Jesus to receive this letter as authoritative and instructive.
Jun 1
Because Jesus humbled himself and horrifically died on the cross as a ransom for our sins, he is the only mediator we have to go before God.
Feb 2
When we look around at the created world, we should respond with a sense of awe and worship the good Creator.
When Christ comes again, our maturity will be complete. Then we will all dwell in eternally perfect grace, love, and fellowship with our God. There is no greater blessing than this!