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In Christ’s death, we die to our old identity. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are free from any obligation, addiction, and necessity to sin because sin has no reign on us.

Instead of abandoning us to eternal death and destruction, God, in His mercy and grace, devised a rescue plan for humanity. At precisely the right time, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to die for the ungodly.

The persecutions, losses, physical pains, and tragedies we face, help us to spiritually grow so we can better serve God and provide an empathetic sense of direction for others as we follow the path God has set before us.

This resurrection week, look not to fleeting joys but to be joined to the one who fully satisfies, whose perfect kingdom will have no end and be full of immeasurable riches of grace.

Neither Jews under the Law of God, nor Gentiles, who see the good character of God in creation, have succeeded in obtaining righteousness because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (3:23).

Our Creator does not uncover our wickedness to cruelly shame us, but to give us the truth--there is no hope that we can ever redeem ourselves.

God’s desire for us is to live full lives, for our hearts and our minds to be so saturated by God’s word, that by the power of the Holy Spirit we may love God fully.

A person who lives to point out or even revel in the failures of others condemns only himself.

We can see idolatries visible in our current society, when God the Creator is replaced by idols of those things that have been created.

Paul’s focus seems to be less on the act of sharing the gospel but on the identity of the recipients of the gospel.