Bible Classes resume September 8. Until then, please join us for our 10 AM Worship Service.

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Christians on the Left and the Right use Scripture and prayer during presidential campaigns. So let's ask, "Lord, teach us to pray for our presidential candidates."

To cultivate the habitus required as a logical and reasonable response to God’s mercy (Rom 12:1-2), we must carefully consider our habits and we must root ourselves within the ecclesial habitat.

To help us grow in our theology and practice of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, I want to recommend St. Basil the Great's On the Holy Spirit.

Comer argues that discipleship, or apprenticeship to Jesus, involves three main goals: be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do as he did.

Luke's Gospel provides insight into a truly Christian approach to gratitude.

The PDF Discussion Guide for the Marriage Seminar is available in this post.

In the end, professional sports fandom has a lot to do with finding some level of identity and value in connection with the success of a sports team.

Paul’s focus seems to be less on the act of sharing the gospel but on the identity of the recipients of the gospel.

On this Christmas Day we celebrate the birth of our King Jesus, the Light of the World, the Defeater of the Dragon.

God’s prophet (John) would call people to turn from their sins so that they could embrace God’s Son (Jesus), the giver of salvation.

We are called to adopt Mary’s humility and faith as we answer the call to bear Christ to the world.

Embrace the Holy Scriptures. Hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them because they nourish within us grace, patience, and comfort as we anticipate our Lord’s return.

Beginning Sunday and continuing into the next four weeks, Christians across the world celebrate the season referred to as Advent.

James’s short but incisive letter teaches what it means to walk in the way of wisdom that issues forth in authentic Christianity.

Ignoring sin makes us less conscious of it, and when we become less conscious of sin, we become less conscious of grace.

The elders believe it is not only permissible but also desirable for both men and women to participate in the public prayers and Scripture reading in our corporate worship services.

Open membership advocates make strong, credible arguments for their views. These arguments deserve careful and charitable engagement, even as they may prove to be unconvincing in the final analysis.

Jesus and the biblical authors did not avoid speaking about sin, but they also did not speak only about sin. They brought an appropriate emphasis into the contexts in which they spoke. Similarly, we should carefully consider which emphasis is required when we talk to children (or anyone) about sin and the love of God.

Central to our gospel hope is the reality of Jesus’s past resurrection and our future resurrection.

James writes in ancient Israel’s prophetic and wisdom traditions, bearing a remarkable resemblance to Jesus’s teachings. Although James addresses his letter to ethnic Jews, there are good reasons for every follower of Jesus to receive this letter as authoritative and instructive.

Christian confession brings with it all the power of exposing darkness to light, but it does so in a way that does not destroy the confessor. Instead, it heals and restores.

Our thankfulness to God is not determined by the age in which we live but by the future hope of Christ’s return and the present faithfulness of God.

In Christian homes, there should be a hospitable welcome to share in the death-mitigating bread of the common meal that echoes the welcome from Jesus, the death-defeating Bread of Life. As Christ welcomed us to his Table, we welcome others to ours.

At Resurrection Church, starting June 27, we will begin weekly participation of the Lord’s Supper in keeping with the New Testament witness that is fortified by the practice of the global Church throughout history.

Holy Spirit or Human Spirit in Ephesians 1:17? Which is it?

Whenever God’s declaration of judgment is delayed, it is because there is an extended opportunity for the salvation of the damned.

"It is impossible to abide in Christ if we leave him standing on the doorstep. We need ears to hear the knocking on the door."

Stewards of Eden provides a careful assessment of the biblical texts, current practices, and potential paths toward a more conscientious and biblical approach to the earth and its resources.

Why, if there is any reason at all, should Baptists take interest in Lent? And if they do, are they stepping onto the slippery slope of legalism that will inevitably end in Roman Catholicism?

There is nothing magical about the benedictions at the end of our services, but there is something powerful about an appeal to our covenant God to bless and keep us.

Just as the tree of life will provide healing for the nations, so too can a wisely worded sentence bring healing to those who hear it.

There is, therefore, no virtue in placing hope in the promises of the Christian faith or in abiding by the Christian ethic if Christianity is not true.

What we must know is how to navigate the situations before us in a way that will foster life in Christ and love for one another.

The significance of the psalm is that Yahweh is the shepherd

This important book has encouraged the persecuted and downtrodden for centuries and can do the same for us.

I’m thankful for such a helpful book that will, I hope, facilitate meaningful conversation about whatever pressing issue is before us.

In an internet age, bad thinking can be perpetuated by liking, sharing, or commenting on posts with logical fallacies.

We must learn to find our security and our joy in God alone.

The death of George Floyd and the events surrounding it are tragic because they all efface the image of God. What does that mean?

Motherhood is a gift from God. Mothers bring life into the world, mitigating the curse of death resulting from sin.

Are Christians disobeying God by staying home from church?

Due to COVID-19 concerns, we will not meet for our regular gatherings this week. We will continue to assess on a week-to-week basis. If you have questions or need assistance, please email

"It is by God’s grace that a congregation is permitted to gather visibly around God’s word and sacrament in this world. Not all Christians partake of this grace."

- No Bible Classes on Sunday - AM Service at 10:45; doors open at 10:30 - No Communion on Sunday

Please know that we are monitoring the situation and will respond accordingly. If you are feeling sick, please stay home. Though we desire that all gather with us, it is an act of love to others in the church and our community at large to self-quarantine if you suspect illness.

God always remains faithful and true to His promises

Jesus began the fulfillment of the messianic mission prophesied about in the Hebrew Bible. He invites us to join in that mission as we await his return.

God reveals through the gospel and creation that he is powerful and that he deserves to be worshipped.

In this book, Tom Schreiner provides a primer on spiritual gifts.

Partnering with other local churches in these (and other) ways requires sacrifice, humility, and creativity.

Responding to the unchurching of America by unchurching the church simply isn't viable.

Nobody—not even Christians—perfectly exercise self-control. That is why Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible & Brain Science is so helpful.

Our church blog exists for the purpose of informing, encouraging, and challenging our church family.