Bible Classes resume September 8. Until then, please join us for our 10 AM Worship Service.


For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Colossians 1:19-20 (CSB)

When we think of the reason why Jesus descended to earth the simple answer often given is that he came for our redemption. While this is true, if we fail to go further in our answer, we lose the opportunity to explore the multifaceted dimensions of what Christ accomplished through his life, death, and resurrection. Thankfully, Colossians 1 unpacks a fuller picture and scope of Christ’s reconciling work.

In this passage we begin to find the supremacy of Christ over all things. Jesus is supreme because he is the very image of God, the rightful ruler over all things, the creator of the universe, and the sustainer of it.

These astounding truths point us to what Paul states explicitly in verse 19. All the fullness of God dwells in Jesus Christ.

In pointing out Jesus’ deity Paul sets us up to place our full hope in Christ for reconciliation. For it will be through this God-man that all things in heaven and earth will one day be reconciled as a result of Christ’s finished work on the cross.

While we are sometimes tempted to think about Jesus dying for human’s reconciliation only, verse 20 implores us to expand our view of Christ’s finished work. Because, as Paul points out, Jesus died to reconcile the entirety of the universe.

This means that one day all things in the universe both seen and unseen will one day find harmony with God. Whether that harmony comes through submission to the cross or being conquered by the cross all things will harmoniously work for King Jesus in the end.

In the cross we have the certain hope that Satan, sin, and death will be conquered and swallowed up by Christ’s victorious work. And in the resurrection, the pains of sickness and disease will one day be healed as we put on our new immortal bodies.

In the end we can be assured that all of creation will be reconciled to God and there will be peace from the chaos surrounding us.

For those of us who belong to Christ we endure with eyes of faith set on Jesus. Because all that was shattered and tainted by sin is presently being undone by our King’s finished work on the cross.

But for those of us who do not know Christ, please know that Jesus offers you reconciliation to himself. He went to great lengths to bring you peace and it comes through faith in Christ’s finished work for us and repentance over our rebellion against him.

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