For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6 (CSB)
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt completely and utterly powerless? It could be when a loved one suffered a severe injury, or when a relationship didn't work out as planned. It could also be when tragedy struck, and you lost a significant portion of your possessions or when a family member or friend passed away suddenly without warning.
At some point in our lives, we will all experience these overwhelming feelings of helplessness. These feelings serve as a reminder of the true condition of humanity as a whole. Ultimately, we are all entirely and absolutely helpless on our own.
The Bible recognizes this reality and doesn't shy away from expressing the human predicament. As stated in Romans 5:6, we are all described as helpless.
In this context, Romans describes the helplessness of humanity due to our sin and rebellion against God. By choosing to go our own way, we bring upon ourselves death and the righteous judgment of God for our unrighteousness.
Thankfully, the verse doesn't end there. Instead of abandoning us to eternal death and destruction, God, in His mercy and grace, devised a rescue plan for humanity. At precisely the right time, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to die for the ungodly.
This is God's perfect rescue plan.
Jesus would live a perfect life that we could never attain. He would exemplify God's perfect righteousness and holiness. He would embody everything that humanity was meant to be. And then, He would willingly sacrifice Himself in our place.
Jesus would accomplish everything that we could not.
While we were helpless in keeping God's law perfectly, Jesus would perfectly keep it.
While we were helpless in succumbing to the temptations and lies of the Devil, Jesus would resist flawlessly in the wilderness.
While we were helpless in achieving righteousness on our own, Jesus would win it for us.
So, whenever we feel helpless, let us embrace these feelings and turn to Christ, who is our ultimate source of help.
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