Bible Classes resume September 8. Until then, please join us for our 10 AM Worship Service.

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Let’s encourage one another, and especially our visitors, by initiating a greeting and by listening well.

Luke's Gospel provides insight into a truly Christian approach to gratitude.

The elders believe it is not only permissible but also desirable for both men and women to participate in the public prayers and Scripture reading in our corporate worship services.

In Christian homes, there should be a hospitable welcome to share in the death-mitigating bread of the common meal that echoes the welcome from Jesus, the death-defeating Bread of Life. As Christ welcomed us to his Table, we welcome others to ours.

At Resurrection Church, starting June 27, we will begin weekly participation of the Lord’s Supper in keeping with the New Testament witness that is fortified by the practice of the global Church throughout history.

Why, if there is any reason at all, should Baptists take interest in Lent? And if they do, are they stepping onto the slippery slope of legalism that will inevitably end in Roman Catholicism?

In an internet age, bad thinking can be perpetuated by liking, sharing, or commenting on posts with logical fallacies.

Motherhood is a gift from God. Mothers bring life into the world, mitigating the curse of death resulting from sin.

Are Christians disobeying God by staying home from church?

Due to COVID-19 concerns, we will not meet for our regular gatherings this week. We will continue to assess on a week-to-week basis. If you have questions or need assistance, please email