Bible Classes resume September 8. Until then, please join us for our 10 AM Worship Service.

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To cultivate the habitus required as a logical and reasonable response to God’s mercy (Rom 12:1-2), we must carefully consider our habits and we must root ourselves within the ecclesial habitat.

The PDF Discussion Guide for the Marriage Seminar is available in this post.

In the end, professional sports fandom has a lot to do with finding some level of identity and value in connection with the success of a sports team.

Jesus and the biblical authors did not avoid speaking about sin, but they also did not speak only about sin. They brought an appropriate emphasis into the contexts in which they spoke. Similarly, we should carefully consider which emphasis is required when we talk to children (or anyone) about sin and the love of God.

What we must know is how to navigate the situations before us in a way that will foster life in Christ and love for one another.

Personality Tests Don't Excuse Your Sin is a helpful article available on The Gospel Coalition website.