For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 2:5 (CSB)
The beginning of this verse, as throughout Scripture, states that there is one God, the only God.
“Turn to me and be saved,
all the ends of the earth;
for I am God,
and there is no other”
(Isaiah 45:22)
But our sins and the sin of mankind, have set us apart from God. How then do we communicate our petitions, prayers, intercessions, repentance, and thanksgiving to a just God who has total and complete power, perfection, and majesty?
There is but one mediator between God and mankind-Christ Jesus. Because Jesus humbled himself and horrifically died on the cross as a ransom for our sins, he is the only mediator we have to go before God. He is the man Jesus Christ-God in human form, given at extreme sacrifice, for us. Our gratitude is never-ending.
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