Bible Classes resume September 8. Until then, please join us for our 10 AM Worship Service.


For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 2:5 (CSB)

The beginning of this verse, as throughout Scripture, states that there is one God, the only God.


“Turn to me and be saved,

all the ends of the earth;

for I am God,

and there is no other”

(Isaiah 45:22)

But our sins and the sin of mankind, have set us apart from God.  How then do we communicate our petitions, prayers, intercessions, repentance, and thanksgiving to a just God who has total and complete power, perfection, and majesty?

There is but one mediator between God and mankind-Christ Jesus. Because Jesus humbled himself and horrifically died on the cross as a ransom for our sins, he is the only mediator we have to go before God.  He is the man Jesus Christ-God in human form, given at extreme sacrifice, for us. Our gratitude is never-ending.

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