The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom should I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—whom should I dread?
Psalm 27:1 (CSB)
In many ways, this verse appears to contradict the life experience of the psalm’s author. David, who was constantly on the run for his life from his enemies, is credited with authorship. He authored many psalms that described the kind of adversity that he faced. Yet, David learned that despite the evildoers who came against him, the armies deployed against him, and the adversaries who constantly pursued him, he could put his confidence in the LORD.
The poetic language and the physical analogies of God’s power and beauty in this verse communicate so clearly. “The LORD is my light”—the Steadfast One brings sight to the blind eyes of my heart. “The LORD is…my salvation”—he saves me from the evil and savage enemies that lurk in the shadows waiting to devour my soul. “The LORD is the stronghold of my life”—he alone can surround me on every side and provide the protection that I need. His power and wisdom are unmatched, and I am safe in his care. Whom should I fear?
When I consider the unparalleled superiority of our covenant-keeping God, my life gains eternal perspective. He can help me overcome the struggles that I face so often in this sin-stained existence. The Father gives abundant grace and mercy through his Son, Jesus Christ. The Son extends redemption and life through his death and resurrection. Because the Holy Spirit dwells with me, as a child of God, I can live a righteous life in fellowship with God and other believers in the body of Christ.
There is now no adversary that I need to fear, for nothing can separate me from the love of God toward me in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39). Not even death should be feared because it cannot separate me from God’s love. It has lost its sting as it was swallowed up in the victorious resurrection of Christ—a resurrection of which every believer will take part. Death is the final enemy, but it will finally be defeated when Christ returns. In the passing darkness in our world, let’s be encouraged that God is able to keep us from stumbling and that the light that is already shining will ultimately prevail.
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