Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but one who hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 12:1 (CSB)
A theme present in the book of Proverbs is that there are two types of people: wise and foolish.[1] This specific proverb indicates that those who heed rebuke are wise and those who despise rebuke are foolish and will reap the rewards of their choices: knowledge for the wise, and a stupidity akin to animals that lack the capacity to reason.[2]
It is not often pleasant to experience correction or rebuke from others, but it is what we should invite into our lives. Colossians 2:3 says that Christians by virtue of their union with Jesus have “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” and will want to listen to advice and accept instruction, so that they will gain wisdom.[3] When mature family members, church members, or friends speak such instruction into our lives we should recognize this as a blessing. Many times, these conversations are awkward. Even if the delivery of the word of correction was poor, we should seek the truth in their words, repent, and thank God for placing others around us that care enough to have difficult conversations for our good. Recognize this as love from your brother and ultimately gracious love from God. “The Lord reproves him whom he loves.”[4]
When we recognize God’s word of correction and repent, we gain divine wisdom. Our knowledge of the gospel deepens. The path to divine wisdom and right living has been bought by Jesus on the cross. When we repent, rebuke is no longer an insult to our self-worth, but truth that illumines God’s will for us. Wisdom penetrates our mind and heart and fuels wise behavior. Additionally, the Spirit strengthens us so that we can grow skin thick enough to accept reproof as a path to more grace.[5] This verse gives two directions for those who experience correction. Choose wisely.
[1]Waltke, Bruce The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 1-15 (NICOT), 45. Curses from rebuke: Prov. 10:17; 12:1; 13:18; 15:5,10,15. Blessings from rebuke: Prov. 6:3; 10:17; 12:1; 13:18; 15:5,10,31,32.
[2]Ibid, 68.
[3]Prov. 19:20
[4]Prov. 3:12
[5]Mathis, David. “Embrace the Blessing of Rebuke” (August 2014), https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/embrace-the-blessing-of-rebuke (accessed November 2, 2021).
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