He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8
The covenant God of Israel spoke through the prophet Micah reminding them what he requires for fellowship with him. It is not some great human act of devotion, but a simple lifestyle of obedience to God. There are three aspects highlighted in this passage.
Do Justice. How do I learn to live justly? By drinking in the teaching of the Word of God. In the Scriptures, the LORD transforms my mind to see as he sees and love as he loves. Meditating on Christ in the Word enables me to take on his values, seeking to exalt the Kingdom of God first (Matt 6:33). I am merely a steward of the resources of my King.
Love Kindness. Mercy and love toward others are the meat on the bones of a life of righteousness. Christ showed us what this looks like: not expecting to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28). I am to count others as more significant than myself by putting their interests above my own (Philippians 2).
Walk humbly with your God. There is no room for selfish pride in the presence of the King. My humble devotion to my great Father comes from the realization that I am the undeserved recipient of his mercy and grace. The LORD is my source of light and strength and I will worship him as my God.
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