Bible Classes resume September 8. Until then, please join us for our 10 AM Worship Service.


Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 (CSB)

To fully grasp the wondrous truths presented in this verse, we need to back up a little bit. Starting in verse 14, we learn why the “therefore” beginning verse 16 is so important. In the preceding verses, Jesus is described as the Great High Priest. A priest who perfectly overcame temptation. As a result of having this intercessor at the throne of grace, we are encouraged to come boldly, without reservation, and ask for mercy and grace at the times we need.

It can be easy to internally withdraw—to attempt to hide sin from God, and label repetitive sin patterns as inescapable. Or there’s embarrassment and shame when we fall into the same sins and situations over and over. Can God’s grace really extend to a sinner who is seemingly perpetually doomed to fail?

The answer is Jesus. He, the great high priest, stands at the right hand of God the Father to intercede for His people. He can do this because he is both priest and sacrifice. Jesus’ blood was shed, and he acts as an intermediary between God the Father and His sinful people. Jesus wants us to come to him. We should approach him humble and repentant, as we need his mercy and grace time and time again. Drawing near to Jesus to seek help, deliverance, and grace results in an intimate relationship like no other.

Take a moment to consider that we can go to the throne of grace with boldness – without fear of being rejected. The throne is not described here as one of judgment or condemnation, but grace. Scripture tells us that Jesus knows the temptation of sin. There is no sin too consuming, bad, or binding that cannot be overcome by Jesus’ blood. It is because of God’s steadfast love, that mercy and grace are available to the faithful who approach Him with humble, repentant hearts, trusting in the work of the great high priest, Jesus.   

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