Bible Classes resume September 8. Until then, please join us for our 10 AM Worship Service.


Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.
Psalms 119:105 (CSB)

One of the biblical truths the Reformers sought to bring attention to was consolidated in the Latin phrase sola Scriptura. This is the idea that as the very word of God, Scripture is infallible and thus the only rule of faith and practice for the church. As we memorized 2 Timothy 3:16 last week we were reminded of the fact that, “All Scripture is inspired [literally, breathed out] by God…”. Because God breathed out the Scriptures, it is thus profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

In our memory passage this week, we see that the Word of God is like a lamp shining a light on a path for our feet to walk. On a recent road trip, my five-year-old asked why the dashboard and center console was lit up in the darkness. I told him that these lights help illuminate the instruments to make night-driving safer and lets us see and know what’s happening with the vehicle that we otherwise wouldn’t know. God’s word illuminating our pathway has a similar effect. In fact, in the verses proceeding our memory passage, we see that God gives each of us wisdom and understanding through his word (Ps. 119:97-104).

Because God’s word shines as a bright light on our path, it impacts all our life: our identity, our worldview, our decision-making process, our relationships, our work, our education, every part of us is defined by the Scriptures. But to have our life shaped and illumined by God’s word means that we must consistently read and meditate upon it. It’s not enough to occasionally skim the Scriptures as we might do with the news headlines. We must go deep within its pages and seek to truly know every part of it: its themes, the central point of each book, and how each individual book fits together and makes the whole.

As we allow God’s word to lighten the path for our feet to tread, we will see it change our life as it teaches us the way we should walk, rebuke us when we sin, call us to correction, and train us in God’s righteousness. I pray that we allow the Scriptures to be a bright shining light to our path.

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