To help us grow in our theology and practice of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, I want to recommend St. Basil the Great's On the Holy Spirit.
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Lord, Teach Us to Pray for Our Presidential Candidates
Christians on the Left and the Right use Scripture and prayer during presidential campaigns. So let's ask, "Lord, teach us to pray for our presidential candidates."
Keep ReadingChristian Formation: Habitus, Habits, and Habitat
To cultivate the habitus required as a logical and reasonable response to God’s mercy (Rom 12:1-2), we must carefully consider our habits and we must root ourselves within the ecclesial habitat.
Keep ReadingBook Review: On the Holy Spirit (St. Basil the Great)
To help us grow in our theology and practice of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, I want to recommend St. Basil the Great's On the Holy Spirit.
Keep ReadingBook Review: Practicing the Way (Comer)
Comer argues that discipleship, or apprenticeship to Jesus, involves three main goals: be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do as he did.
Keep ReadingGreet One Another
Let’s encourage one another, and especially our visitors, by initiating a greeting and by listening well.
Keep ReadingGratitude in Luke's Gospel
Luke's Gospel provides insight into a truly Christian approach to gratitude.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 6:4-5
In Christ’s death, we die to our old identity. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are free from any obligation, addiction, and necessity to sin because sin has no reign on us.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 5:6
Instead of abandoning us to eternal death and destruction, God, in His mercy and grace, devised a rescue plan for humanity. At precisely the right time, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to die for the ungodly.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 5:3-4
The persecutions, losses, physical pains, and tragedies we face, help us to spiritually grow so we can better serve God and provide an empathetic sense of direction for others as we follow the path God has set before us.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 4:3
This resurrection week, look not to fleeting joys but to be joined to the one who fully satisfies, whose perfect kingdom will have no end and be full of immeasurable riches of grace.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 3:26
Neither Jews under the Law of God, nor Gentiles, who see the good character of God in creation, have succeeded in obtaining righteousness because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (3:23).
Keep ReadingMarriage Seminar Discussion Guide
The PDF Discussion Guide for the Marriage Seminar is available in this post.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 3:10-12
Our Creator does not uncover our wickedness to cruelly shame us, but to give us the truth--there is no hope that we can ever redeem ourselves.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 2:28-29
God’s desire for us is to live full lives, for our hearts and our minds to be so saturated by God’s word, that by the power of the Holy Spirit we may love God fully.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 2:1
A person who lives to point out or even revel in the failures of others condemns only himself.
Keep ReadingThe Psychology (Soul-ology?) of Professional Sports Fandom
In the end, professional sports fandom has a lot to do with finding some level of identity and value in connection with the success of a sports team.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 1:25
We can see idolatries visible in our current society, when God the Creator is replaced by idols of those things that have been created.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 1:16
Paul’s focus seems to be less on the act of sharing the gospel but on the identity of the recipients of the gospel.
Keep ReadingChristmas Day & The Defeat of the Dragon
On this Christmas Day we celebrate the birth of our King Jesus, the Light of the World, the Defeater of the Dragon.
Keep ReadingAdvent: Adopting a Posture of Repentance
God’s prophet (John) would call people to turn from their sins so that they could embrace God’s Son (Jesus), the giver of salvation.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
Our sleeping brothers and sisters are not lost to history, but will return when our King comes again to reign.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Ephesians 1:20-21
God takes his Son and places him in authority over all rulers and authorities on earth and in heavenly places.
Keep ReadingAdvent: Bearing Christ to the World
We are called to adopt Mary’s humility and faith as we answer the call to bear Christ to the world.
Keep ReadingAdvent: The Script of Scripture
Embrace the Holy Scriptures. Hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them because they nourish within us grace, patience, and comfort as we anticipate our Lord’s return.
Keep ReadingWhat Is Advent?
Beginning Sunday and continuing into the next four weeks, Christians across the world celebrate the season referred to as Advent.
Keep ReadingJames: A Guide to Authentic Christianity
James’s short but incisive letter teaches what it means to walk in the way of wisdom that issues forth in authentic Christianity.
Keep ReadingBook Review: Not the Way It's Supposed to Be
Ignoring sin makes us less conscious of it, and when we become less conscious of sin, we become less conscious of grace.
Keep ReadingCan Women Read Scripture and Lead Prayer on Sunday Mornings?
The elders believe it is not only permissible but also desirable for both men and women to participate in the public prayers and Scripture reading in our corporate worship services.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Galatians 2:16
Truly there is no other way to be justified before God outside of Christ’s righteousness imputed upon us through faith.
Keep ReadingOpen Membership in Baptist Churches?
Open membership advocates make strong, credible arguments for their views. These arguments deserve careful and charitable engagement, even as they may prove to be unconvincing in the final analysis.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Peter 1:1-2
We are dependent on God’s undeserved favor to us and the peace that only Christ brings to us in this troubled world.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Galatians 2:20
Because Jesus was faithful to the end, we can look to him and be confident that he is interceding for us now as we strive to walk in his example.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Colossians 1:19-20
In pointing out Jesus’ deity Paul sets us up to place our full hope in Christ for reconciliation. For it will be through this God-man that all things in heaven and earth will one day be reconciled as a result of Christ’s finished work on the cross.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 2 Corinthians 5:21
Salvation came at a cost. Remembering the story of Abraham and Isaac reminds us of that cost. We see that “God was willing to sacrifice for you what was most precious to Him.”
Keep ReadingTalking to Children (Or Anyone) About Sin and the Love of God
Jesus and the biblical authors did not avoid speaking about sin, but they also did not speak only about sin. They brought an appropriate emphasis into the contexts in which they spoke. Similarly, we should carefully consider which emphasis is required when we talk to children (or anyone) about sin and the love of God.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Acts 2:24
Central to our gospel hope is the reality of Jesus’s past resurrection and our future resurrection.
Keep ReadingIntroducing James: Author & Audience
James writes in ancient Israel’s prophetic and wisdom traditions, bearing a remarkable resemblance to Jesus’s teachings. Although James addresses his letter to ethnic Jews, there are good reasons for every follower of Jesus to receive this letter as authoritative and instructive.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Timothy 2:5
Because Jesus humbled himself and horrifically died on the cross as a ransom for our sins, he is the only mediator we have to go before God.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Genesis 1:31
When we look around at the created world, we should respond with a sense of awe and worship the good Creator.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 2 Corinthians 13:13
When Christ comes again, our maturity will be complete. Then we will all dwell in eternally perfect grace, love, and fellowship with our God. There is no greater blessing than this!
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 86:15
When Jesus took on the form of man, we were able to see what was only shadowy in Psalm 86. Jesus was God's grace and mercy in the flesh.
Keep ReadingAdvent Angels
Angels proclaimed the first coming of Jesus to the shepherds on the hillside. One day they will proclaim His second coming. At that time, the whole universe will hear it.
Keep ReadingAdvent Hope
As sickness, disease, and old age pervades our world we have this promise–hope of Jesus’ return in his humanity to perfect our humanity.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Isaiah 29:13-14
It is easy to just go through the motions of the Christian life. Many times we have Pharisaical hearts. We need to remember the wonders that God has done to shock us out of our unthinking worship habits.
Keep ReadingAdvent Traditions
During this advent season we remember the “great joy” through the joy of participating in Christmas traditions like putting up Christmas trees and giving gifts.
Keep ReadingAdvent: A Season of Waiting
At its core, advent is a season of waiting. We remember and celebrate the thousands of years that God’s people waited for the promised Messiah to come. Each year during Advent we remember the people of God who waited centuries for the coming of the promised Messiah to rescue them.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Acts 17:30-31
For those who have repented and trusted in Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection, this future judgment is cause for rejoicing!
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Joshua 1:8
Like the Israelites, we must also meditate on God’s word and keep it, work out our salvation with fear and trembling, and be a witness to this present generation that is hostile to God.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Proverbs 12:1
It is not often pleasant to experience correction or rebuke from others, but it is what we should invite into our lives.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Mark 12:30-31
According to Jesus, consuming love for God is the most important command to observe, and similarly, deep care for others is vital.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Ephesians 6:12
As we seek to stand firm in the faith, we must remember that Christ has already secured the victory.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Micah 6:8
A heart rooted in love for Christ acts in loving-kindness toward his neighbors, family, friends, and enemies.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Corinthians 10:13
God will be faithful amid temptation and testing in your life.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | James 5:16
God, in his sovereign wisdom, has ordained all things, and yet he is inviting us to participate in his plans through prayer.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 John 1:9
Christian confession brings with it all the power of exposing darkness to light, but it does so in a way that does not destroy the confessor. Instead, it heals and restores.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Hebrews 4:16
There is no sin too consuming, bad, or binding that cannot be overcome by Jesus’ blood.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 119:11
Our deepest wish is that we do not offend God. He is our greatest joy and he gave his Son to pay for our sin.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 119:105
It’s not enough to occasionally skim the Scriptures as we might do with the news headlines. We must go deep within its pages.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 19:14
The true path to a fulfilling life is to see the infinite beauty and glories of God’s word and then to embody them.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Our thankfulness to God is not determined by the age in which we live but by the future hope of Christ’s return and the present faithfulness of God.
Keep ReadingEchoes of the Eucharist: Meals in Jesus' Ministry
In Christian homes, there should be a hospitable welcome to share in the death-mitigating bread of the common meal that echoes the welcome from Jesus, the death-defeating Bread of Life. As Christ welcomed us to his Table, we welcome others to ours.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Hebrews 12:1-2
"May we not shrink back in our call, and may we make disciples as we go."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Corinthians 15:58
The hope of resurrection should lead to perseverance and an orientation to labor for the Lord in this world.
Keep ReadingWeekly Celebration of the Lord's Supper
At Resurrection Church, starting June 27, we will begin weekly participation of the Lord’s Supper in keeping with the New Testament witness that is fortified by the practice of the global Church throughout history.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | James 1:22
e each have a personal responsibility to God to live out the scriptures.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Proverbs 3:5-6
"We can trust that God can and will bring us through difficult circumstances and make us more like him."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 37:4-5
"We take ultimate delight in Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus, through his life, death, and resurrection has beat and conquered all opposing forces."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 2 Corinthians 4:18
As we live by the Spirit, God renews us in our hearts where he has planted eternal life.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Mediation | Lamentations 3:22-23
We have hope in God's faithful love and mercy.
Keep ReadingGoing Deeper: Holy Spirit or Human Spirit?
Holy Spirit or Human Spirit in Ephesians 1:17? Which is it?
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 2 Peter 3:9
Whenever God’s declaration of judgment is delayed, it is because there is an extended opportunity for the salvation of the damned.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Hebrews 13:8
Whatever uncertainty we are facing, Jesus is the same.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Jeremiah 29:11
"Too often in our everyday lives, we get focused on the immediate small details of what goes wrong, what isn't right, and miss the big picture over the long haul."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 27:1
"God can help me overcome the struggles that I face so often in this sin-stained existence."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory | 2 Corinthians 5:17
"Our union with Christ through faith and baptism shifts our center from ourselves to him and the great sacrifice he made for us."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | John 14:6
"Direct access to God is only possible by way of Jesus Christ, who is truth himself, and the giver and sustainer of eternal life."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Revelation 3:20
"It is impossible to abide in Christ if we leave him standing on the doorstep. We need ears to hear the knocking on the door."
Keep ReadingBook Review: Stewards of Eden
Stewards of Eden provides a careful assessment of the biblical texts, current practices, and potential paths toward a more conscientious and biblical approach to the earth and its resources.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Isaiah 40:28
"At the end of our physical limits, God’s strength and understanding are just beginning."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Jude 24-25
"No amount of suffering or persecution can separate us from the love and grace of our God."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Matthew 11:28-30
"As weary burdened people, we can come to Jesus, soak in his words and rest in him."
Keep ReadingA Baptist's Musings on Lent
Why, if there is any reason at all, should Baptists take interest in Lent? And if they do, are they stepping onto the slippery slope of legalism that will inevitably end in Roman Catholicism?
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Mediation | Numbers 6:24-26
There is nothing magical about the benedictions at the end of our services, but there is something powerful about an appeal to our covenant God to bless and keep us.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Matthew 28:18-20
Christ’s command is simple to understand, but, as with all Scripture, it takes work to apply it consistently to our lives.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | John 13:34-35
We make Jesus’ presence on earth felt and known as the watching world sees Christ’s church building itself up in love.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Proverbs 19:18
Parents must spend time to love, know, and shape each of their children so that they can discipline their children with wisdom.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 32:1-2
This liberating truth overflows David with joy as he proclaims the beauty and glory of God’s forgiveness.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | John 3:18
We should continually give thanks to God for the work of Christ on the cross to save us from our sins and establish an eternal relationship with God.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Isaiah 25:7-9
For those who belong to God, there is the precious promise that death will be swallowed up, shame will be removed, and tears will be wiped away.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | James 1:1-2
As each of these trials test our faith, they also build endurance in our lives as we cling to our faith and hope in God even more.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Proverbs 12:18
Just as the tree of life will provide healing for the nations, so too can a wisely worded sentence bring healing to those who hear it.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 1:12
There should be no shame in the heart of a Christian to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Matthew 6:21
There is a day coming when we will meet the treasure of our souls, Jesus Christ.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 John 3:18
While our words of love have meaning, our actions speak volumes. Let us be a people of action as we love one another.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Corinthians 15:19-20
There is, therefore, no virtue in placing hope in the promises of the Christian faith or in abiding by the Christian ethic if Christianity is not true.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Timothy 3:13
Whether or not a church member is appointed as a deacon, every believer is called to serve.
Keep ReadingWhat to Know About the Mask Mandate (And Everything Else)
What we must know is how to navigate the situations before us in a way that will foster life in Christ and love for one another.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 23:5-6
Because of Christ’s shepherding care we, like David, can be confident that God will faithfully love and pursue us all our days.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 23:1-4
The significance of the psalm is that Yahweh is the shepherd
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Revelation 19:15-16
This important book has encouraged the persecuted and downtrodden for centuries and can do the same for us.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Micah 6:8
What does God require? Justice, kindness, and humility.
Keep ReadingBook Review: Being Logical (McInerny)
I’m thankful for such a helpful book that will, I hope, facilitate meaningful conversation about whatever pressing issue is before us.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 2 Samuel 12:24
The Israelites were called to obey and serve God faithfully with their whole hearts. This is our calling too.
Keep ReadingLogical Fallacies in an Internet Age
In an internet age, bad thinking can be perpetuated by liking, sharing, or commenting on posts with logical fallacies.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 4:7
We must learn to find our security and our joy in God alone.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15
We have a Savior who will one day make all wrong things right.
Keep ReadingThe Killing of George Floyd and the Image of God
The death of George Floyd and the events surrounding it are tragic because they all efface the image of God. What does that mean?
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 2:12
Submission to God through Jesus Christ is true freedom.
Keep ReadingMotherhood: A Sacred Gift
Motherhood is a gift from God. Mothers bring life into the world, mitigating the curse of death resulting from sin.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Exodus 15:13
The same God who saves will surely lead and sustain us until we reach our eternal dwelling.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
It is the resurrection of Christ and the good news of the gospel that we celebrate every Sunday.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Exodus 15:2
God, being rich in mercy and grace, made a way for salvation.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Genesis 50:20
We can rest assured that in God’s divine providence, evil will be overcome, and His goodness will shine forth.
Keep ReadingGathering Together Is a Grace
"It is by God’s grace that a congregation is permitted to gather visibly around God’s word and sacrament in this world. Not all Christians partake of this grace."
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Genesis 15:6
God always remains faithful and true to His promises
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Luke 24:44
Jesus began the fulfillment of the messianic mission prophesied about in the Hebrew Bible. He invites us to join in that mission as we await his return.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 119:10-11
If we are to find true delight in God as we should we must treasure the word of God above all and seek to obey God who gives commandments for our good and His glory.
Keep ReadingScripture Memory Meditation | Romans 1:20
God reveals through the gospel and creation that he is powerful and that he deserves to be worshipped.
Keep ReadingBook Review: Spiritual Gifts
In this book, Tom Schreiner provides a primer on spiritual gifts.
Keep ReadingShared from TGC: Personality Tests Don't Excuse Your Sin
Personality Tests Don't Excuse Your Sin is a helpful article available on The Gospel Coalition website.
Keep ReadingChurch Partnerships: For the Gospel
Partnering with other local churches in these (and other) ways requires sacrifice, humility, and creativity.
Keep ReadingThe Unchurching of the Church
Responding to the unchurching of America by unchurching the church simply isn't viable.
Keep ReadingSeasons of Change
Change can be beautiful, difficult, and confusing all at the same time.
Keep ReadingBook Review: Your Future Self Will Thank You
Nobody—not even Christians—perfectly exercise self-control. That is why Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible & Brain Science is so helpful.
Keep Reading